Vol. 06, No. 08

Cover Page

Heaven and Exile: Stories of Resilient Vulnerability
Saumya Shah
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Congruence of Psycholinguistic Sagacity in Human Language (English) Learning and Teaching
Rexmart R, B. Binu Gold
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Emotion in Art Therapy as Creative Thinking in the Psychological Aspect
Vivek Velayutham, Raman Kannuswamy
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Welfare Policies for Eldercare and the System of Caregivers Migration to Japan
Gajender Thakur
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Scaffolding Strategy for Language Acquisition through the Use of Colloquialism by BIPA Learners in Solo
Tifany Diahnisaa, Suyitnob, Ani Rakhmawatic
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The Impact of SARAS Ajeevika Mela on Women Empowerment: A Comprehensive Analysis
Bhawana Meena
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A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health Reveals Noteworthy Effects
Tarik Ikbal
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Form of Activity Culture in Talimaa’  Kayaan Dayak Tribe
Annisa Fitri, Andayani, Nugraheni Eko Wardani
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Rephrasing William Blake’s Concept of God and Philosophy of Religion: A Critique from the Humanist Perspective
Aradhana Bose
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Switching Heads and Cultures: Transformation of an Indian Myth into the Quest of Identity Crisis in Girish Karnad’s Hayavadana
Subho Ghosh
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Exploring Naga Life, Culture, and Gender Representation through the Writings of Easterine Kire: A Study of Don't Run, My Love and the Nagas' Struggle for Self-Determination
Dhiman Chakraborty
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Sound Style and Style of Words in Bayan Budiman's Poetry: Stilistics Study
Yeni Apriani, Suminto A. Sayuti
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Towards the Signifying Buffalo: A Deconstructive Study of Casteism through the Dalit Lens in 'Bhimayana: Experiences of Untouchability'
Sahin Reja Mondal
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Embracing the Forbidden Pages: The Importance of Children Reading Banned Books
Siby Shaji
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Friendship as a Moral Virtue: A Philosophical Exploration
Mosaref Hossain
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Profile of A District Town, Katwa: From Pre-colonial to Colonial Times
Aritra Rudra
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Divergent Perspectives: USCIRF vs. Public Opinion on Religious Freedom in India
Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay
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Education: Then and Now - "A Comparative Study of Teaching Tools and Methodology"
Kingshuk Banerjea, Soumita Das 
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Executive Legislation in India: Legality of Ordinance Making Power
Dr. Rahul Varshney, Sachin Sharma
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Refugee Crisis in India through Gender Lens: A Brief Study in Context to Assam
Satabdi Sarkar
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Source Use in Integrated Writing among Chinese College ESP Learners with Different Language Proficiency
Linwei Ma
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Information Seeking Behavior of Postgraduate Students of Agriculture of Bundelkhand University Jhansi 
Abhinav Shesha, Dr. Ritu Singh
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Role of Municipality in Solid Waste Management: A Case Study of Berhampore Municipality with Special Reference to Saidabad Ring-road Open Dumping Ground, West Bengal, India
Sayantika Baral, Mandal Kajal Kumar, Indradip Ghosh
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The Study of an Analytical Interpretation of the Buddha’s Midnight Preaching: Special Reference to Pāli Canonical Literature
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Transcending Violence, Embracing Identity: Navigating the Transgender Experience in Anosh Irani's 'The Parcel' 
Subitsha. S, Dr. Uma Maheshwary
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