Asked Questions
Question 1: I want to submit my paper to the Praxis International Journal of
Social Science and Literature (PIJSSL) does it fall within the scope of the
Answer: PIJSSL publishes research papers in
the fields of social science as well as literature. The subjects covered in the
journal are History, Political Science, Buddhist Studies, Sociology,
Psychology, Geography, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Economics, Education, Philosophy,
Public Administration, Linguistics, Literature, Paralegal, Performing Arts
(music, theatre & dance), Religious Studies, Global Peace Studies, Animal Protection Law, Theory and Social Praxis, Visual Arts, Women Studies, Human Rights and
so on so forth.
Question 2: What
is the
frequency of the publication?
Answer: PIJSSL is a monthly journal (12 Issues in a year).
Question 3: Which types of paper does PIJSSL publish?
Answer: PIJSSL Publishes Original work such
as Research Papers, Survey articles, Synopsis, Review Papers, Book Reviews, or
articles related to Social Science and Literature.
Question 4: I want to submit my paper to PIJSSL, how to submit it?
Answer: You can submit your manuscript through
e-mail at
Question 5: Is your journal peer-reviewed?
Answer. Yes. PIJSSL is a peer-reviewed
Question 6: Is PIJSSL an indexed journal?
Answer: Yes. PIJSSL is an indexed journal. It is primarily indexed in Google Scholar, ResearchBib, ISSN ROAD, ScienceGate, etc.
Question 7: What is the Impact Factor of the journal?
Answer: The Impact Factor - SJIF is 5.918 for the year 2023.
Question 8: Is this journal a refereed journal?
Answer: Yes. PIJSSL is a refereed journal.
Question 9: Is this journal published both in print and online versions?
Answer. PIJSSL publishes papers online only. Although we have another journal in print too. Please contact the publisher for the same for more information about it.
Question 10: Is PIJSSL an open-access journal? What are the benefits of
publishing in an open-access journal?
Answer: Yes. PIJSSL is an open-access journal.
The readers, students, teachers, professionals, and author(s) can easily access
the contents of an open-access journal. It ensures readers can access papers
worldwide easily.
Question 11: Is your journal UGC approved?
Answer. No. Although this journal is valid as
per new UGC guidelines. UGC has provided new guidelines whereas a journal may either
be peer-reviewed or UGC listed as UGC Gazette Regulations (download) on minimum
qualification for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in
universities and colleges (18/07/2018). Please refer to pages 82, 83, 105, 106 and 108.
Question 12: Does PIJSSL also provide DOI for papers published in the journal?
Answer: Yes. The journal provides DOI (Digital Object Identifier) as per the requirements of the author. Although it might take a couple of weeks to be linked the same.
Question 13: Is there any word limit for the manuscript to be published?
Answer: Yes. The manuscript should be ideally written within 2500 to 5000 words.
Question 14: My paper has been accepted for publication. How can I pay the
publication fee?
Answer: You can contact the editor at You may also send WhatsApp Messages at +91-9135874300.
Question 15: How long does the review process take?
Answer. The papers will be reviewed by two or
more independent referees. They may also be read and considered by members of
the journal’s editorial board and ultimately by the editor(s) before a decision
is rendered. The review result will be communicated to you within one month
after submission. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to know the
status of your manuscript.
Question 16: How do I know that the paper submitted reaches you?
Answer: You will get an e-mail confirmation
after the submission of the paper by the editor. It takes a maximum of 3 working days.
Question 17: Whom do I contact if I have questions about the status of my
Answer. You can contact us regarding the status after submitting the manuscript. You can also contact us through WhatsApp at +91-9135874300
Question 18: Which type of file or format do you accept for a manuscript?
Answer. At present, Microsoft Word (docs file)
is the only format for submitting your manuscript. Times Roman is the preferred font.
Question 19: Where can I find a template for the submission of a paper in PIJSSL?
Answer. The template (sample paper) is available
on the website:
Question 20: Why do I need to submit a copyright agreement?
Answer. You have to sign a copyright
agreement before publishing your paper so that we can ensure your work is
original. Please read the term carefully and then submit it. If any of the terms mentioned in the copyright, you do not agree, you have the choice to withdraw the manuscript. Once the copyright is submitted, you are bound to agree with this. The copyright agreement will be provided once the manuscript is provisionally accepted.
Question 21: Does PIJSSL publish a special issue?
Answer: Yes, special issues will occasionally
be published.
Question 22: Does PIJSSL have any publication guidelines?
Answer. Yes, publication guidelines are
available on the website: .
Question 23: Does PIJSSL require any fee for the publication?
Answer: If the paper is provisionally accepted for publication, the author(s) will be asked to pay ₹2000 for Indians and $100 for other
nationals as an Article Processing Charge (APC) to defray the operating costs. The waiver policy is not applicable. The payment method will be notified by the
editor after the acceptance of the paper.
Question 24: Can I join the review team? What is the procedure for it?
Answer. Yes. We accept reviewers with related
expertise. You may contact and send the CV to the editor mentioning why you
qualify as a reviewer.
Question 25: When the journal publishes its new issue?
Answer. It publishes a new issue around the 20th and 25th of every month.
Question 26: If my manuscript is accepted by the journal when it will get published?
Answer. It will be published in the next upcoming issue around the 20th-25th day of the specific month.
Question 27: Do I get a soft copy of the paper after publication?
Answer: Yes. You will be provided with a soft copy of it. It will also be uploaded to the website from where you can download it.
Question 28: Do I get a certificate after publishing my Paper?
Answer. Yes. An eCertificate may be provided only after your request.