Vol. 7, No. 08

Cover Page
The Literary Renaissance of North East India
Rajib Majumder
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A Study on the Emotional Intelligence of Undergraduate Students
Barnali Lahkar
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Women’s Education and Decision-Making among the Chang Community of Nagaland: Experience from the Field
Col. Hiren Borah, Golak B. Patra
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The Marxist Understanding of Mass-organizations: Indian Context
Dr Arindam Datta
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Impact of Modernization in Adi Tribe: A Comprehensive Study of Namsai District, Arunachal Pradesh
Bipul Bez, Prof. (Dr.) Sumita Sarkar and Bulbuli Gamno
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Relevance of Carvaka in Contemporary Thought
Saurabh Gupta, Dr. Pramod Kumar Rajput
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The Concept of Ahimsa (Non-Violence) in Jainism and Its Practical Implications in Contemporary World
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