Vol. 08, No. 01

Cover Page

Comparative Study on Coordinative Abilities at Three Different Growth Stages of School Children
Urmi Maitra, Dr. Shiv Bhole Nath Srivastava
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Culture and Qualia: Integrating Cognitive Perspective in Cultural Studies
Bipin Balachandran
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India's Green Diplomacy: Analyzing the Role of Environmental Policy in Shaping Global Political Alliances
Ayush Gaur
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Social Media and Women's Rights: Examining Legal Measures for Cyber Harassment Prevention
Dr. Amit Singh, Preeti Varma
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Essays of R.K. Narayan: A Literary Exploration
Ramaswami Subramony
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Diagnosing Depression with Artificial Intelligence: Systematic Literature Review
Muzamil Aziz Dar, Asma Nabi, Wajid Mumtaz, Mudasir A. Dar
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Women of North East India as Entrepreneurs: A Leap Towards Empowerment?
Sasanka Dhaval Saikia
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Interpreting the Rhetoric of Discursiveness in Locating Culture in Select Novels of the Indian Diaspora
Dr. Pratap Kumar Dash
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Putting on a Show: Exploring Ideas of Work and Leisure in the Lives of Performing Artistes
Shrestha Bandopadhyay
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Negotiating the Relevance of Sri Aurobindo’s Idea of Integral Yoga in the Present Situation
Ripunjoy Bezbaruah
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Unveiling Desire: The Erotic Liberation of Sita in Sita’s Curse
Dr. Rashi
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A Study on Fast Food Consumption Behavior in Jind, Haryana
Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Priya
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