Vol. 05, No. 03

Cover Page 

India’s Role in the Emerging World Order
Dr. Ramesh Kumar
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Impact of Gaudiya Vaishnavism in Manipur: An Era of Manipuri Cultural Integration
Dr. M. Ninghaiba Singha, Dr. H. Rajmani Singha
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Social Value in Serat Babad Amengeti Lalampahan Dalem
Y. A. Setiawan, S. T. Widodo, K. Saddhono
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पितृसत्तात्मक समाजः एक विमर्श
डॉ. विमलेश यादवअंजेश देवी
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सामाजिक संचेतना के संवाहिका मिनीमाता एवं समकालीन महिलाएं
कु. अर्चना बौद्ध
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Climate Change and Indian Agriculture
Dr Trishna Sarkar
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What are the Sources of Stress in Parents of a Child with Autism? A Qualitative Study
Biruk Befkadu, Margaret E. Adamek, Debebe Ero
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The Tripartite Structure of Speech Act
Dr. ELBAH Zoulaikha
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Impact of Public Investments on Agricultural Growth: The ARDL Model Approach in Cameroon
MBOCK M. Rodrigue, FOTIE NKUETE J. Ronald, YAKAN H. Bertrand, VOULA V. Audrey
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Role of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Legislation Laws in India
Kamal Goel, Dr. Surinder Singh
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ণিপুরী খোরিরোলদা কবিরত্না অরাম্বম দরেন্দ্রজি
Dr. Naorem Sanatomba Singh
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ময়ায়চনবা মণিপুরী খোরিরোলগী শক্তম
Dr. K. Bimola Devi
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भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र के निबंधों में हिंदी नवजागरण का स्वरूप
सौरभ सिंह
 (Page No. 101-105)Download