Vol. 04, No. 11

Cover Page 

India Policy towards Nepal during United Progressive Alliance (UPA II)
Zafar Hussain, Dr. Anamika Rawat
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Role of Law Librarianship
Dr. S. G. Shrivastava     
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सिनेमा में स्त्री-चिंतन
डॉ. घनश्याम दास    
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मीडिया में स्त्री छवि (चरित्र शब्द के संदर्भ में)
डॉ. अनिल कुमार जयंत  
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भारतीय समाज में महिलाओं की भूमिका
कु. ॠतु रानी    
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Applying Qualitative Research in Social Sciences: Methods, Issues and Dynamics
Ramesh Sahu, Dr. Sikata Panda   
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Teaching and Learning Strategies in Teacher Education
Jitendra Kumar Singh, Dr. Ashwarya Srivastava, Neha Kumari
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