Vol. 7, No. 10

Cover Page

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: A Holistic Approach to Tackling Climate Change in Indian Governance
Nisha, Dr Abhay Kumar
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IAF in the Indo-Pacific: Modernisation for a Changing Strategic Landscape
Dr. Jyotsana Mishra 
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Political Communication Communicator of Legislative Candidates Winning the 2024 Election: Case Study on Eko Muji Suharto from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, Sragen Regency
Herning Suryo Sardjono, Silvi Aris Arlinda, Haryo Kusumo Aji
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Projection of Richard Parker: A Study of an Animal as an Embodiment of Human Instincts in Life of Pi
Nayana Das, Dr. Tandra Das
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